November 6–8, 2009
Wrocław, Poland |
Technical rules
Regulations presented below concern two sessions: the trial session
on Saturday and the contest session on Sunday.
- Only teams accepted by the Regional Contest Director can take part
in the contest.
- All teams who want to participate have to check-in at the
registration desk on Friday or on Saturday. A team cannot compete in
the CEPC if the participation fee is not paid in advance.
Conduct of the contest
- All team members must attend all contest activities as specified in
the schedule. The Coach is expected to attend or be available by phone
during contest activities. Failure to attend any of the designated
contest events can result in automatic disqualification and forfeiture
of any prizes.
- At least six and at most twelve problems will be posed. As far as
possible, problems will avoid dependence on detailed knowledge of a
particular applications area or a particular contest language. However
some knowledge of basic graph, text and geometric algorithms can be
helpful. (A sample source of such algorithms is the book "Introduction
to Algorithms, 2nd edition" by Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, and
- The language of the contest is English. All written contest
materials and all communications with contest officials will be in
- Contestants may bring resource materials such as books, manuals,
notes and program listings. Contestants may not bring any
machine-readable versions of software or data. Contestants may neither
bring their own computers, computer terminals and calculators nor any
kind of communication devices such as radio sets, cellular phones,
pagers and PDAs.
- Solutions to problems (source programs) submitted for judging are
called runs. Each run is judged as accepted or rejected and the team is
notified of the result.
- Rejected runs will be marked as either "compile time
error" or "run-time error" or
"time limit exceeded" or "wrong
answer" or "contest rule violation."
- A contestant may submit a claim of ambiguity or error in a problem
by submitting a clarification request to a judge. If the judges agree
that an ambiguity or error exists, a clarification will be issued to
all contestants.
- Contestants are not to converse with anyone except members of their
own team and personnel designated by the regional contest director.
System support staff may advise contestants on system-related problems
such as explaining system error messages.
- The contest will be held in a networked environment. The network may
only be used to submit solutions, to ask questions and to produce
listings in ways designated by the organizers. Any other use of the
network is strictly forbidden and will result in immediate disqualification
and removing from the contest area.
- While the contest is scheduled for five hours, the regional contest
director has the authority to alter the length of the contest in the
event of unforeseen difficulties. Should the contest duration be
altered, every attempt will be made to notify contestants in a timely
and uniform manner.
- A team may be disqualified by the regional contest director for any
activity that jeopardizes the contest such as dislodging extension
cords, unauthorized modification of contest materials (soft- or
hardware), forbidden network activities, or distracting behavior.
- The regional contest director is solely responsible for ruling on
unforeseen situations and interpreting these rules.
- If irregularities or misconduct are observed during the contest,
team members or coaches should bring them to the attention of the
contest officials so that action may be taken as soon as possible.
- After the conclusion of the contest and the results have been made
public, coaches may file complaints or appeals according to the
procedure described in General Regional
Scoring of the contest
- A problem is solved when it is accepted by the judges. The judges
are solely responsible for accepting or rejecting submitted runs. In
consultation with the judges, the regional contest director determines
the winners of the regional contest. The regional contest director and
judges are empowered to adjust for or adjudicate unforeseen events and
conditions. Their decisions are final.
- Teams are ranked according to the most problems solved. Teams who
solve the same number of problems are ranked by least total time. The
total time is the sum of the time consumed for each problem solved. The
time consumed for a solved problem is the time elapsed from the
beginning of the contest to the submittal of the accepted run plus 20
penalty minutes for every rejected run for that problem regardless of
submittal time. There is no time consumed for a problem that is not
solved. In case of a tie, teams are ranked by the number of minutes
elapsed from the beginning of the contest until the last correct
solution was submitted. If the last rule does not break the tie the
regional contest director is responsible to find a fair solution.
Contest environment
The supported languages are
of Computer Science
University of Wrocław, Poland |
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